Mindful of Uganda’s poor performance in regional anti-corruption ranking and the negative impact of corruption on development;
Aware of the poor ranking and public perception of the Justice Law and Order Sector institutions on fighting corruption;
Recognising that we need local solutions to address local problems especially in the fight against corruption;
Building on existing comprehensive policy, legal and institutional anti-corruption framework; and
Counting on the determination of the Government and people of Uganda to fight corruption and promote people centred development.
Therefore, the Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, and their staff constituting the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) commit to ensuring zero tolerance to corruption.
As JLOS, we undertake to uphold the rule of law, and implement the national and sector anti-corruption programmes, pledging to:
1. Enhance the sector capacity to prevent corruption.
2. Strengthen sector mechanisms to detect, investigate, and adjudicate cases of corruption.
3. Promote and enforce effective mechanisms to punish all those found culpable