Every year, the Embassy of Ireland, through the Ireland Fellows Programme – Africa, funds a number of scholarships for study at master’s level in Ireland. The focus of the scholarship is to attract dynamic, early to mid-career professionals with leadership potential, to benefit from a prestigious, world-class, quality education contributing to capacity building and expertise. The aims of the Programme are to nurture future leaders, to develop in-country capacity to achieve national SDG goals and to build positive relationships with Ireland.
This year, the Embassy would like to invite suitably qualified and experienced candidates who wish to apply to commence study in the academic year 2025/2026 in Ireland. In order to qualify, candidates should have been awarded an undergraduate degree in 2013 or later (i.e. within the last 12 years). Where applicable, special consideration will be given to applicants working in disadvantaged regions, including Karamoja.
The application process consists of three stages. Applicants should go to the Irish Aid Fellowship website at www.irishaidfellowships.ie where they will find the Stage 1 - preliminary application form and the 2025 - 26 Directory with eligible Postgraduate Programmes. Stage 1 opens 1st July 2024 and closes on 28th July 2024. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted to apply to the second stage of the process.
Careful attention should be given to the eligibility criteria set out in the guidelines available on https://www.irishaidfellowships.ie/strands/ireland-africa-fellows-programme.
In addition to the above and in memory of Irish priest Fr Declan O’Toole, who died in Karamoja in 2002, the Embassy of Ireland is also offering two additional scholarships to candidates from Karamoja for study at Masters Level in Uganda. Details on the Fr. Declan O’Toole Fellowship are on the Embassy of Ireland website https://www.dfa.ie/irish-embassy/uganda/our-services/opportunities-to-study/ .
The Fellowship Administrator can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to answer any questions you may have though we request that you first consult the website, where all relevant information is provided.