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#JLOSREVIEW2021: Promotion of Human Rights and Accountability

December 15, 2021 5447
Officials from UHRC and ODPP discussing the Role of JLOS in promotion of human rights and accountability on NTV (17th December 2021) Officials from UHRC and ODPP discussing the Role of JLOS in promotion of human rights and accountability on NTV (17th December 2021)


1) Observance of human rights across JLOS has continued to improve over the SDP IV period. This is attributed to increased establishment of human rights structures and mechanisms across different JLOS MDAs at national and sub-national levels, training of JLOS staff in human rights, and application of the standards in the administration of justice

2) In July 2021 H.E. the President appointed Ms. Mariam Wangadya as the new Chairperson of the Commission. She and five members of the Commission were sworn in on 30th September 2021 to commence work. The UHRC has nonetheless continued to maintain its ranking of “A” status.

3) Despite the COVID-19 disruption, the proportion or remand prisoners reduced from 52% in 2016 to an annual average of 50.6% in 2020/21. The lowest levels of 47.7% were reached in FY2018/19 as a result of increased case disposal.

4) The Sector, through the UHRC enhanced civic education using the media and dissemination of IEC materials, and this was complemented by the Electoral Commission and CSOs. The national election season was constrained by the COVID-19 pandemic and this limited the extent of physical association and citizen engagement

5) JLOS efforts to reduce human rights violations have broadly registered positive impact over the SDP IV period. The focus was largely on institutionalising human rights mechanisms within JLOS MDAs, building knowledge capacity amongst JLOS officers, enhancing monitoring inspection of key functions and processes, strengthening the legal and policy framework on human rights, and holding all persons involved in human rights violations accountable

6) In 2020/21, case clearance by UHRC was posited at 14.8% against a target of 76%. The UHRC concluded only 70 complaints through mediation because its tribunal was non-functional for the entire year. Currently, the UHRC is fully constituted and all mechanisms are functional.

7) JLOS has maintained human rights structures and mechanisms in key institutions, including the UPF’s Directorate of Human Rights and Legal Services established in 2015, Human Rights Desks in all 28 police regions, Human Rights Committees in all 259 prison units across the country, and human rights desks in key MDAs including ODPP, and MoJCA

8) At the institutional level, JLOS continued to support its human rights mechanisms and ensure their functionality, and established new ones as well. The focus has largely been on the criminal justice chain where human rights violations were observed and reported by members of the public



1) Since 2016/17, the perception index against corruption has improved from 25% in 2016 to 27% in 2020/21

2) The fight against corruption was strengthened through increased capacity building and enforcement of anti-corruption laws, combined with a heightened focus on asset recovery

3) The Anti-corruption Division (ACD) of the High Court is one of the anti-corruption hallmarks of achievement of JLOS over the 20-year period. Established in 2009, the ACD has emerged as a leading mechanism in the fight against corruption in Uganda, and a benchmark for the African region.

4) During the SDP IV implementation period, the ACD case clearance rate has increased by a proportion of 30%, from a rating of 89% in 2016/17 to 115.6% in 2020/21. Over the same period, the ACD disposal rate has grown by 15.5%.

5) Uganda’s ranking under the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score also dropped from 28% to 27%. Uganda’s international rank also dropped from 137th to 142nd of 180 countries assessed. This is largely attributed to the prevailing apathy where the public is complicit in the growing levels of corruption in Uganda


Adopted from the JLOS Annual Report (2020 - 2021)

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Last modified on Thursday, 21 September 2023 07:39

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