DOWNLOAD 2022/23 ANNUAL JLOS REPORT At the impact level, public trust in the justice system remains high compared to the SDPIV end-term evaluation and efforts to maintain it at higher…
## Assessment of JLOS Performance delivered by Mr. Nicolas Gonze on behalf of the JLOS Development Partners Group (DPG). My Lord, it is again, the time of the year for…
His Lordship the Honourable Chief Justice Honourable Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Honourable Minister of Internal Affairs Honourable Minister of Local Government Honourable Attorney General Honourable Minister of State…
The Honourable Chief Justice of Uganda Honourable Ministers The Honourable Principal Judge My Lords, Justices, and Judges of the Courts of Judicature The Head of the European Union Delegation in…
The Access to Justice Sub-Programme on Tuesday 6th December 2022 held the 27th edition of its performance review for the FY 2021/ 2022 at Speke Resort Munyonyo in Kampala. This…
DOWNLOAD: Annual JLOS Performance Report (2015/16) ANNEXTURE: JLOS Annual Performance Report (2015/16) The Four years of implementation of the Third Strategic Investment Plan (SIP III) have been a concerted and…
FACTS AND FIGURES (HUMAN RIGHTS) 1) Observance of human rights across JLOS has continued to improve over the SDP IV period. This is attributed to increased establishment of human rights…
FACTS AND FIGURES: 1) According to the World Bank Doing Business Report 2021, Uganda registered an improvement in the index from the baseline of 57.7 in 2016 to 71.4 in…
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