Judiciary launches ECCMIS to fight case backlog, improve delivery of justice

Chief Justice Owiny Dollo confers with Hon. Mata Kasaija (Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development) during the commissioning of ECCMIS on 20th October 2021 (PHOTO: Nile Post) Chief Justice Owiny Dollo confers with Hon. Mata Kasaija (Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development) during the commissioning of ECCMIS on 20th October 2021 (PHOTO: Nile Post)

KAMPALA -- Following complaints from the public about the delays in the administration of cases, the Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny Dollo has launched an Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS) which will help to fight case backlog and improve the delivery of justice.

Speaking during the launch of ECCMIS at High Court Kampala, Owiny-Dollo urged all the judicial officers to embrace the system for better service delivery.




Published: 20th October 2021

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