Justice Centres Uganda: Bringing Justice Home

Justice Centres Uganda Justice Centres Uganda

While Promoting the rights of vulnerable communities through provision of quality human rights based legal aid, legal rights awareness, community outreach, empowerment and advocacy.

Justice Centres are a one-stop-shop legal aid service delivery model that seeks to bridge the gap between the supply and demand sides of justice by providing legal aid services across civil and criminal areas of justice to indigent, marginalized and vulnerable persons, while at the same time empowering individuals and communities to claim their rights and demand for policy and social change.

Justice Centres represent the beginning of fundamental efforts to restructure the provision of legal aid in Uganda and the singular objective of making legal aid easily available and accessible at the right time to the most deserving population and at the right place.

Vision: Vulnerable societies accessing quality legal services and realizing their rights.

Mission: To promote the rights of vulnerable communities through provision of quality human rights based legal aid, legal and rights awareness, community outreach, empowerment and advocacy.

Core Values:
• Professional excellence
• Ethics and Integrity
• Accountability
• Non Discrimination

Core Principles:
(a) Utilize existing resources and avoid duplication of processes.
(b) Link to government structures.
(c) Community participation.
(d) Deliver cost effective and quality services.
(e) Cooperation and linkages with other stakeholders including Civil Society Organizations and private advocates for pro bono services.

Objectives of Justice Centres Uganda
• To enhance awareness of human rights and empower communities to claim their rights.
• To enable vulnerable individuals and communities to effectively resolve disputes using both litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
• To undertake human rights centred and evidence based advocacy for reform of laws, Policies and Practices.
• To pilot Justice Centres as a model for delivery of legal aid services in Uganda.

Services Offered: Legal Advice, Legal representation, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Counseling, Legal Awareness, Referrals and a Toll free phone line

Who Qualifies For Services?
For you to qualify for Justice Centres services, you must be one of the most indigent persons in Uganda.

Districts Served by Justice Centres:Lira : Amolatar, Pader, Apac, Kitgum, Oyam, Dokolo, Kaberamaido, and Kotido districts. Tororo: Bukwa, Bududa, Manafwa, Busia, Pallisa, Butaleja, Namutamba, Bugiri, and Iganga districts.

Justice Centres Uganda.
National Coordination office.
Chambers F6 and F8 High Court Building, Kampala.
P. O. Box 26365 Kampala
Tel: Office: 256 759500440/1
Toll free line 080 010 0210

Email: info[at]justicecentres.go.ug

Justice Centres Tororo
Tororo Chief Magistrate’s Court
Uhuru Road, Tororo
Tel: 0759 500443
Toll free line 080 010 0211

Justice Centres Lira
Lira Chief Magistrates Court
Toll Free line : 080 010 0212

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Last modified on Thursday, 06 July 2023 12:39