Access to Justice Sub Programme Development Priorities

Access to Justice Sub Programme Development priorities Access to Justice Sub Programme Development priorities

The Access to Justice Sub Programme seeks to deepen and broaden access to JLOS services through well targeted interventions aimed at enhancing access to services, mainstreaming human rights and gender equality, fighting corruption, and strengthening competitiveness and commercial justice.

Major priorities include:

  • Widening and deepening access to services of JLOS institutions.
  • Eliminating case backlog.
  • Addressing the wider civil and criminal justice challenges.
  • Development and funding of special Programmes to target gender, age, poverty, and other forms of vulnerability.
  • Mainstreaming national priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Innovations to bridge the gap between formal and informal justice systems, whilst being committed to national and international human rights standards.
  • Leverage technology to facilitate data driven decision making to solve justice problems and challenges; empower people to have high quality experiences with the justice system; and create e-justice platforms for information access and break barriers associated with access to justice services.
  • Tackling the growing concerns of corruption and human rights observance.
  • Proactive engagement and reaching out to actors outside the constitution of the Sector.
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Last modified on Saturday, 22 July 2023 12:46