Human Rights

Human Rights (3)

Various stakeholders have recognised the unique effort that a civil society organization Defend Defenders is applying in the protection and promotion of human rights. During the opening of its new office premises at Lotis Towers on Mackinnon Road, Nakasero – Kampala, several Diplomats and human rights defenders, including the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) lauded them for specializing in defending people and organizations that face risks in defending human rights.

In his speech delivered on behalf of the UHRC Chairperson Mariam Wangadya, member of the Commission Hon. Crispin Kaheru particularly recognised Defend Defenders and its Executive Director Mr. Hassan Shire for entering into partnership with the National Human Rights Institution to strengthen its human rights defenders’ desk.  

“We are proud that under the leadership of ED. Hassan Shire, Defend Defenders has made an indelible mark on the national, regional and international scene as the go-to-entity for protection and support of human rights defenders, for championing advocacy, engagement and strengthening collective effort in defending human rights".

“We are proud that under the leadership of ED. Hassan Shire, Defend Defenders has made an indelible mark on the national, regional and international scene as the go-to-entity for protection and support of human rights defenders, for championing advocacy, engagement and strengthening collective effort in defending human rights,” he noted.

Hon. Kaheru revealed that the UHRC’s Defenders’ desk is a free space through which any controversies and suspicions that may arise between human rights defenders and government can be settled.

He noted that there is a need for more human rights defenders to serve as advocates, watchdogs and voices for those who may not have the means or opportunity to speak out in the ongoing and emerging challenges like global health crises, migration issues, environmental concerns, and increasing social injustices.  





The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) has concluded a series of training for District Planners and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) across the Country in the Human Rights-based Approach (HRBA). While officiating at the last training on Friday (August 11, 2023) the UHRC Chairperson Hon. Mariam Wangadya said the HRBA strives to ensure that every person in Uganda, regardless of race, beliefs, social, economic and political status effectively enjoys his/her rights and fulfils his/her duties and responsibilities. She said HRBA is a key strategy through which sustainable development can be progressively realised. 

“The enjoyment of human rights does foster development when people are placed at the centre and have participated in development processes; they not only own it but also value and sustain it."

“The enjoyment of human rights does foster development when people are placed at the centre and have participated in development processes; they not only own it but also value and sustain it. The HRBA requires that development initiatives focus on the people who should then be a central consideration in all development processes; right from conception and planning; resource allocation; programming; to implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Needless to say, denial of rights impacts negatively on development. It is therefore important for every rights holder and duty bearer to appreciate that development is not charity but an obligation to fulfil human rights,” she said.

She revealed that for many years, the Commission has spearheaded the campaign for HRBA, which in simple terms means integrating human rights in all government actions. 




Published: 14th August 2023

Following its statement that was issued on the 25th of March 2020 on the human rights concerns in dealing with Covid-19, the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) continues to monitor the observance of human rights, duties and responsibilities in the fight against Covid -19 in line with its mandate under Article 52 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. 

The Commission has been monitoring the human rights situation in the last three weeks of the lockdown and now wishes to appreciate the good work done by the Government of Uganda under the strategic leadership of His Excellency the President, and under various Ministries, Departments and Agencies, with the Ministry of Health at the helm in conjunction with all security agencies, particularly for the well-designed multi-sectoral preventive and response measures to COVID-19 in the country.




Published: April 24, 2020